MAPS: GPU Memory Abstraction and Optimization Framework
MAPS Framework

The MAPS Framework

Develop optimized GPU and multi-GPU applications using Memory Access Pattern Specification

MAPS is an open-source, header-only C++ CUDA template library for automatic multi-GPU programming and optimization of GPU kernels.
The framework leverages memory access patterns to provide near-optimal performance on various architectures.

Using MAPS:
  • - Automatically produces optimized GPU code
  • - Separates complex indexing and shared memory optimizations from the algorithm
  • - Transparently manages multi-GPU memory segmentation and inter-GPU communication
  • - Provides familiar STL-based interfaces (containers and iterators)
  • - Results in short, intelligible code
Tutorial: Memory access patterns and MAPS
The following kernel performs a highly optimized two dimensional 9x9 (radius 4) convolution on multiple GPUs:

__global__ void Conv2(const float *in, int width, int height, int stride,
                      const float *convKernel, float *out) {
    int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;    

    float result = 0.0f;
    for (int ky = -4; ky <= 4; ++ky) {
        for (int kx = -4; kx <= 4; ++kx) {             
            result += in[CLAMP(y + ky, 0, height) * stride + CLAMP(x + kx, 0, width)] * 
                      convKernel[(ky + 4) * 9 + (kx + 4)];
    out[y * stride + x] = result;
__constant__ float kConvKernel[9*9];

__global__ void Conv2 MAPS_MULTIDEF(maps::Window2D<float, BLOCK_WIDTH, BLOCK_HEIGHT, RADIUS> in,
                                    maps::StructuredInjective2D<float, BLOCK_WIDTH, BLOCK_HEIGHT> out) {
    MAPS_MULTI_INITVARS(in, out);                  // Initialize multi-GPU abstraction and containers
    MAPS_FOREACH(oiter, out) {                     // Loop over output elements
        int i = 0;
        *oiter = 0.0f;
        MAPS_FOREACH_ALIGNED(iter, in, oiter) {    // For each output, loop over inputs according to pattern
            *oiter += *iter * kConvKernel[i++];
    out.commit();                                  // Write all outputs to global memory
__constant__ float kConvKernel[9*9];
__global__ void Conv2(const float *in, int width, int height, int stride,
                      float *out) {
    int x = blockIdx.x * BLOCK_WIDTH;
    int y = blockIdx.y * BLOCK_HEIGHT;
    __shared__ float s_temp[(BLOCK_WIDTH + 8) * (BLOCK_HEIGHT + 8)];

    s_temp[BLOCK_STRIDE * threadIdx.y + threadIdx.x] = in[CLAMP(y + threadIdx.y - 4, 0, height) * stride + 
                                                          CLAMP(x + threadIdx.x - 4, 0, width)];

    if (threadIdx.x < 8) {
        s_temp[BLOCK_STRIDE * threadIdx.y + 
               threadIdx.x + BLOCK_WIDTH] = in[CLAMP(y + threadIdx.y - 4, 0, height) * stride + 
                                               CLAMP(x + threadIdx.x + BLOCK_WIDTH, 0, width)];
    if (threadIdx.y < 8) {
        s_temp[BLOCK_STRIDE * (threadIdx.y + BLOCK_HEIGHT) + 
               threadIdx.x] = in[CLAMP(y + threadIdx.y + BLOCK_HEIGHT, 0, height) * stride + 
                                 CLAMP(x + threadIdx.x - 4, 0, width)];
    if (threadIdx.x < 8 && threadIdx.y < 8) {
        s_temp[BLOCK_STRIDE * (threadIdx.y + BLOCK_HEIGHT) + 
               threadIdx.x + BLOCK_WIDTH] = in[CLAMP(y + threadIdx.y + BLOCK_HEIGHT, 0, height) * stride + 
                                               CLAMP(x + threadIdx.x + BLOCK_WIDTH, 0, width)];
    float result = 0.0f;
    #pragma unroll
    for (int ky = 0; ky < 9; ++ky) {
        #pragma unroll
        for (int kx = 0; kx < 9; ++kx) {             
            result += s_temp[BLOCK_STRIDE * (threadIdx.y + ky) + 
                             (threadIdx.x + kx)] * kConvKernel[ky * 9 + kx];
    out[(y+threadIdx.y) * stride + (x+threadIdx.x)] = result;
Note that the manually optimized version is simplified (e.g., one element processed per thread).
For more examples, see the Showcase.

The performance of the convolution kernels is shown below:

For more results, see the Performance page.

  1. Memory Access Patterns: The Missing Piece of the Multi-GPU Puzzle (slides)
    Tal Ben-Nun, Ely Levy, Amnon Barak and Eri Rubin
    In IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC15), 2015.

  2. MAPS: Optimizing Massively Parallel Applications Using Device-Level Memory Abstraction
    Eri Rubin, Ely Levy, Amnon Barak and Tal Ben-Nun
    In ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 2014.

Cite us:
    author = {Ben-Nun, Tal and Levy, Ely and Barak, Amnon and Rubin, Eri},
    title = {Memory Access Patterns: The Missing Piece of the Multi-{GPU} Puzzle},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis},
    series = {SC '15},
    isbn = {978-1-4503-3723-6},
    location = {Austin, Texas},
    pages = {19:1--19:12},
    articleno = {19},
    numpages = {12},
    doi = {10.1145/2807591.2807611},
    acmid = {2807611},
    year = {2015},
    publisher = {ACM},