Parallel Workloads Archive: A Model/Utility for Generating User Runtime Estimates and Appending Them to a Standard-Workload-Format File

A Model/Utility for Generating User Runtime Estimates and Appending Them to a SWF File

Table of Content:

Quick how-to

A C++ program and API to artificially generate a distribution of user runtime estimates, and optionally append the generated estimates to an existing Standard Workload Format (SWF) file (which in turn can be either a real log or generated by some other model). This model is the result of the paper Modeling User Runtime Estimates published in JSSPP'05 [tsafrir05b].

Quick how-to:
1 download this tar file est.tgz
2 open the tar and compile code tar -xvzf est.tgz
cd m_tsafrir05
3 run the program and follow the instructions;
you may found the examples below helpful

If you use this model in your work, please acknowledge it by citing the following references:
1 Dan Tsafrir, Yoav Etsion, and Dror G. Feitelson, ``Modeling User Runtime Estimates''. In 11th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP), pp. 1-35, Jun 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 3834.
2 Dan Tsafrir, Yoav Etsion, and Dror G. Feitelson, ``A Model/Utility for Generating User Runtime Estimates and Appending Them to a Standard-Workload-Format File''. URL


Runtime estimates provided by users to schedulers of parallel machines have the unfortunate property of worsening performance. Therefore, in order to get realistic performance evaluation results, one must use realistic estimates, as provided by the model suggested here. All the details that explain why user estimates are so bad for performances along with justifying the model suggested here are found in the paper that accompanies this model titled "Modeling User Runtime Estimates" [tsafrir05b]. This document provides a brief overview about the available files, how to use the model, and how to choose its parameters.

Files to download:

The file est.tgz contains all the files that compose the estimate-model utility. These are:

1 est_model.hh, The API of the model (only 2 functions; described below) and its implementation.
2 est_swf_job.hh Defines the Job_t structure that encapsulates a single SWF-file record, and knows how to read/write it.
3 A simple shell utility to generate an estimate distribution and optionally combines it with an existing SWF-file. Contains the main function of the utility and can be viewed as an example of how to use the model's API.
4 est_parse.hh, Used by the shell utility to parse its command line arguments and optionally an SWF-file.
5 Makefile Compiles the above and generates the est_driver utility.
6 Est05JSSPP.pdf The paper that explains this model and its rationale.
7 index.html This file.



    est_driver <maxest> <njobs|swf> [-b<userbins>] [-p<precision>] [-s<seed>]


The maximal allowed estimate in seconds. If appending estimates to an SWF-file, this is also the maximal allowed runtime (as job are killed if they exceed their estimate) and therefore all runtimes that are bigger than maxest will be truncated to be exactly maxest.
On how exactly to choose this value, see below.
njobs | swf
The second parameter is either njobs or swf:

njobs: means "number of jobs". This must be a positive integer that indicates the number of estimates that the model must produce. If njobs is used then the resulting output would be the estimates distribution (in a PDF and CDF form).

swf: this is a name of an SWF-file. If swf is given then (1) njobs is taken to be the number of jobs within the swf, (2) the swf is parsed, (3) artificial estimates are added to it, and (4) the swf is reprinted with the new estimates.

A user-specified list of estimate bins composed of comma-separated pairs of the form seconds=percent e.g. 3600=10.5,300=2.2 means 10.5% of the jobs will be set to use 1 hour as estimate (3600 sec) and 2.2% of the jobs will be set to use 5 minutes estimate (300 seconds).

Though not mandatory, this option is especially important because it allows the user to associate maxest with the amount of jobs that use it. This is important because:

  1. The number of jobs that are associated with maxest is always substantial, but varies significantly between log to log (unlike other aspects of user estimates that are almost identical).
  2. The amount of jobs associated with maxest has decisive effect on performance: the more jobs associated with maxest, the worst the performance of the scheduler becomes (as jobs are indistinguishable in the eyes of the scheduler and cannot be backfilled).
For further discussion about if and how to choose userbins, see below.
In case an swf file is given (which means it is reprinted with artificial estimates), this parameter (a nonnegative integer) determines the number of precision digits in the output, that is, the number of decimal digits to the right of the floating point, in all the SWF fields that have a floating-point nature (e.g. runtime, used-memory, etc). The default is 0.
The seed for the random number generator used (using the drand48 family). Default is 0.


est_driver 64800 l_ctc_sp2.swf
Reads the CTC-SP2 log, replaces the original user estimates with artificial estimates generated by the model (using its default settings) and prints the resulting SWF file. The maximal value of generated estimates is set to be 18 hours (64800 seconds). Indeed this was administrative maximal value of runtimes and estimates in the CTC-SP2 site.

The maximal allowed value relates both for runtimes and for estimates, as users are not allowed to provide estimates that are bigger than the maximal allowed runtime. However, it is almost always the case that a few jobs have runtimes that are bigger than the maximal value allowed. Usually, the difference between the actual runtime and the maximal value is less than one minute, and probably reflects the time it takes to kill a job that exceeded its runtime. But on very rare occasions, the difference is much bigger (probably because the system administrator explicitly allowed these jobs to continue running beyond their runtime estimates).

Regardless of the reason, if a job's runtime is bigger than the maximal allowed value (=maxest, the current model truncates the runtime of the job to be exactly maxest).

est_driver 64800 l_ctc_sp2.swf -b 64800=23.8 -s 2
Same as in th previous example, but now 23.8% of the jobs are assigned with an estimate of 18 hours (64800 seconds). Indeed, in the original CTC-SP2 trace file, 23.8% of the jobs are associated with a user estimates of 18h. The default settings of this model (used in the previous example) associates around 22% of the jobs with the maximal estimate. The seed for the random number generator used by the model is set to be 2. A different seed will results in a different artificial distribution of user runtime estimates.
est_driver 129600  l_sdsc_blue.swf -b 129600=1.1,7200=27.3
This is similar to the above example: here we use a maximal estimate value of 36h (129,600 seconds) for the SDSC-BLUE log and instruct the model to associate only 1.1% of the jobs with this value, while associating 27.3% of the jobs with a smaller estimate of 2h (7200 seconds).

Indeed, the SDSC-BLUE log is somewhat different than usual: the number of jobs associated with the maximal estimate is very small.

The reason for this abnormality is that the "real" (or "de-facto") maximal estimate of this log is 2h, as this is the runtime upper bound of jobs submitted to the "express" and "interactive" queues of the the SDSC BLUE Horizon machine, that are used by most jobs.

Note that in order to change the "effective" maximal estimate of a log from maxest to a smaller value (let this value be denoted E), it is not enough to instruct the model to associate a lot of jobs with E (e.g. in the above example "-b 7200=27.3" is insufficient) because, unless instructed otherwise, the model will always associate very many jobs with maxest. Therefore, we must explicitly indicate that we want the effective maximal value to be changed by associating this value with a small number of jobs. Indeed, in the SDSC-BLUE log, only 1.1% of the jobs are associated with the maximal value, whereas 27.3% of the jobs are associated with the maximal value of the two high priority queues, which is E=2h.


The above describes how to generate an estimate distribution using the shell utility est_driver. However, it also very easy (and provides more control over model parameters) to use this model as a C++ module and invoke its functions directly. The model's interface is composed of only two functions that use three structure types, all defined in est_model.hh (with the exception of the first structure). Here is the specification of the interface:

structure / function
struct Job_t {
    int id;
    int submit;
    int wait;
    int runtime;
    // all the rest of the SWF fields...

typedef std::vector<Job_t> SWF_t;
The Job_t structure encapsulates all 18 data fields of one job (=line =record) within an SWF-file. This structure is defined in est_swf_job.hh.

When assigning user estimates to an existing SWF-file, the latter is represented using a standard vector of Job_t-s. (We denote this vector type as SWF_t, for the purpose of explaining the interface here; but the type std::vector<Job_t> is directly used within est_model.hh.)

Though not part of the interface, you can use the very short function in called parse_swf(), that given a name of an SWF-file, easily and efficiently parses the file and generates the associated SWF_t job vector.

struct EstBin_t {
    int time;  // estimate in seconds
    int njobs; // # of jobs using it

typedef std::vector<EstBin_t> Dist_t;
This structure represents one "bin" in the estimate histogram: the time field holds the estimate value (in seconds) and the njobs field specifies the number of jobs that have time as their user estimate.

To represent the entire estimate distribution we use a standard vector of EstBin_t-s. (We denote this vector type as Dist_t, for the purpose of explaining the interface here; but the type std::vector<EstBin_t> is directly used within est_model.hh.)

struct EstParams_t {

    // model parameters

    // constructor
        int    njobs,
        int    maxest,
	Dist_t userbins=Dist_t() );

The are more than a dozen parameters for the estimate model (encapsulated within the EstParams_t structure). However, the constructor of EstParams_t accepts only the most important ones (2 mandatory, one optional):

njobs The number of job there are (which is the number of estimates the model must produce).
maxest The maximal allowed estimate, as define above.
userbins Allows to determine (e.g.) the important (and highly varying) number of jobs associated with maxest (the importance of this data is explained above). All user supplied estimate bins can be specified within the userbins vector.

The other parameters are briefly described in est_model.hh and explained in detail in [tsafrir05b]. All these parameters are supplied with reasonable default values (as detemined by [tsafrir05b]), in the constructor of EstParams_t. However, you can change them by explicitly assigning other values to the fields of EstParams_t.
est_gen_dist(EstParams_t params, 
             Dist_t*   est_dist);

Given params (specifies the model parameters), assign the generated estimate distribution into the place pointed to by est_dist (a pointer to some preallocated vector).
est_assign(const Dist_t& est_dist,
           SWF_t*            jobs);

Given est_dist (an estimate distribution generated by the function est_gen_dist()) and jobs (a pointer to a vector that holds the content of some SWF-file with njobs records), randomly assign the artificial estimates as embodied by est_dist into the jobs, such that the estimate of each job is equal to or bigger than the runtime of that job.

Choosing main parameters



Example: adding estimates to the Lublin model

Example: adding estimates to the OSC log


The est_driver utility filters "insane" jobs (with size<1 or runtime<0) if it operates on an existing SWF file. Therefore, the number of jobs it prints might be smaller than the number of jobs in the original file. However, the associated header comments (e.g. MaxRecords) remain unchanged, that is, the new SWF file has identical header comments to that of the old.

Parallel Workloads Archive - Models

since Feb 27, 2006 / / last update: Sep 13, 2012