The Weakness of Self-Complementation ==================================== Model checking is a method for the verification of systems with respect to their specifications. Symbolic model-checking, which enables the verification of large systems, proceeds by evaluating fixed-point expressions over the system's set of states. Such evaluation is particularly simple and efficient when the expressions do not contain alternation between least and greatest fixed-point operators; namely, when they belong to the alternation-free \mu-calculus (AFMC). Not all specifications, however, can be translated to AFMC, which is exactly as expressive as weak monadic second-order logic (WS2S). Rabin showed that a set T of trees can be expressed in WS2S if and only if both T and its complement can be recognized by nondeterministic B\"uchi tree automata. For the "only if" direction, Rabin constructed, given two nondeterministic Buchi tree automata U and U' that recognize T and its complement, a WS2S formula that is satisfied by exactly all trees in T. Since the translation of WS2S to AFMC is nonelementary, this construction is not practical. Arnold and Niwinski improved Rabin's construction by a direct translation of U and U' to AFMC, which involves a doubly-exponential blow-up and is therefore still impractical. In this paper we describe an alternative and quadratic translation of U and U' to AFMC. Our translation goes through weak alternating tree automata, and constitutes a step towards efficient symbolic model checking of highly expressive specification formalisms.