On Synthesis of Specifications with Arithmetic ========================================= Variable automata with arithmetic enable the specification of reactive systems with variables over an infinite domain of numeric values and whose operation involves arithmetic manipulation of these values [FK18]. We study the synthesis problem for such specifications. While the problem is in general undecidable, we define a fragment, namely semantically deterministic variable automata with arithmetic, for which the problem is decidable. Essentially, an automaton is semantically deterministic if the restrictions on the possible assignments to the variables that are accumulated along its runs resolve its nondeterministic choices. We show that semantically deterministic automata can specify many interesting behaviors -- many more than deterministic ones, and that the synthesis problem for them can be reduced to a solution of a two-player game. For automata with simple guards, the game has a finite state space, and the synthesis problem can be solved in time polynomial in the automaton and exponential in the number of its variables.