MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next


The ideas and understanding in this book have come from many sources: friends like Dan Saks, Scott Meyers, Charles Petzold, and Michael Wilk; pioneers of the language like Bjarne Stroustrup, Andrew Koenig, and Rob Murray; members of the C++ Standards Committee like Nathan Myers (who was particularly helpful and generous with his insights), Tom Plum, Reg Charney, Tom Penello, Chuck Allison, Sam Druker, and Uwe Stienmueller; people who have spoken in my C++ track at the Software Development Conference; and very often students in my seminars, who ask the questions I need to hear in order to make the material clearer.

I have been presenting this material on tours produced by Miller Freeman Inc. with my friend Richard Hale Shaw. Richard’s insights and support have been very helpful (and Kim’s, too). Thanks also to KoAnn Vikoren, Eric Faurot, Jennifer Jessup, Nicole Freeman, Barbara Hanscome, Regina Ridley, Alex Dunne, and the rest of the cast and crew at MFI.

The book design, cover design, and cover photo were created by my friend Daniel Will-Harris, noted author and designer, who used to play with rub-on letters in junior high school while he awaited the invention of computers and desktop publishing. However, I produced the camera-ready pages myself, so the typesetting errors are mine. Microsoft ® Word for Windows 97 was used to write the book and to create camera-ready pages. The body typeface is [Times for the electronic distribution] and the headlines are in [Times for the electronic distribution].

The people at Prentice Hall were wonderful. Thanks to Alan Apt, Sondra Chavez, Mona Pompili, Shirley McGuire, and everyone else there who made life easy for me.

A special thanks to all my teachers, and all my students (who are my teachers as well).

Personal thanks to my friends Gen Kiyooka and Kraig Brockschmidt. The supporting cast of friends includes, but is not limited to: Zack Urlocker, Andrew Binstock, Neil Rubenking, Steve Sinofsky, JD Hildebrandt, Brian McElhinney, Brinkley Barr, Larry O’Brien, Bill Gates at Midnight Engineering Magazine, Larry Constantine & Lucy Lockwood, Tom Keffer, Greg Perry, Dan Putterman, Christi Westphal, Gene Wang, Dave Mayer, David Intersimone, Claire Sawyers, Claire Jones, The Italians (Andrea Provaglio, Laura Fallai, Marco Cantu, Corrado, Ilsa and Christina Giustozzi), Chris & Laura Strand, The Almquists, Brad Jerbic, Marilyn Cvitanic, The Mabrys, The Haflingers, The Pollocks, Peter Vinci, The Robbins Families, The Moelter Families (& the McMillans), The Wilks, Dave Stoner, Laurie Adams, The Penneys, The Cranstons, Larry Fogg, Mike & Karen Sequeira, Gary Entsminger & Allison Brody, Chester Andersen, Joe Lordi, Dave & Brenda Bartlett, The Rentschlers, The Sudeks, Lynn & Todd, and their families. And of course, Mom & Dad.

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