Bayesian Network Repository

Bayesian Network Repository


About This Page


This page is a preliminary version of a planned UAI repository. The intention is to construct a repository that will allow us to empirical research within our community by facilitating (1)better reproducibility of results, and (2) better comparisons among competing approach. Both of these are required to measure progress on problems that are commonly agreed upon, such as inference and learning.

A motivation for this repository is outlined in "Challenge: Where is the impact of Bayesian networks in learning?" by N. Friedman, M. Goldszmidt, D. Heckerman, and S. Russell (IJCAI-97).

This will be achieved by several progressive steps:


Plans for the future

Currently, this site contains several domains. The plan is to gradually add other components discussed above.

Please send suggestions and contributions to


Thanks to Fabio Cozman, Bruce D'Ambrosio, Moises Goldszmidt, David Heckerman, Othar Hansson, Daphne Koller, and Stuart Russell for discussions about the organization of this site. Thanks to John Binder, Jack Breese, David Heckerman, Uffe Kjaeruff, and Mark Peot, for contributing networks.


Network formats

The networks in the repository come in several different formats. I am trying to construct translators among the different formats, but translations are incomplete. The available formats  are:

Name Suffix Description
Bayesian Interchange Format .bif The proposed interchange format. I am following Fabio Cozman's version of the format, which is similar to the original proposal.
MSBN .dsc Microsoft's BN tool format. See the MSBN page.
Hugin .hugin File format used by the HUGIN BN tool.
Ideal .ideal A format that is based on the one used in the IDEAL toolkit.
Ergo file format .ergo File format used by the ERGO BN tool.

Available networks

The following table summarizes the networks the repository.

Name Description
Alarm Monitoring of emergency care patients
Barley Model of Barley crops yield.
Carpo Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Diabetes A model for insulin dose adjustment (DBN).
HailFinder Predicting Hails in northern Colorado.
Insurance Evaluating insurance applications
Link Pedigree for linkage analysis.
Mildew A model for deciding on the amount of fungicides to be used against attack of mildew in wheat.
Munin An expert electromyography assistant.
Pigs Pedigree of breeding pigs.
PathFinder Analysis of Lymph cell pathologies.
Water A model of the biological processes of a water purification plant.
Win95pts A model for printer troubleshooting in Microsoft Windows 95.


Related Sites

Bayesian Networks and related issues:

Data and Machine Learning Repositories:

Last modified: Thursday, February 12, 1998