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Michel Bercovier

Born on 10/9/41 in Lyon,France.

Docteur d’Etat ès Science,

Professor(Emeritus) of Scientific Computing and CAD,

School of Computer Science and Eng.   

Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

91904 Jerusalem, Israel.               

       E-mail:berco@cs.huji.ac.il                                                         Tel(Voice Mail and Fax) + 972 2 54 94536     mobile +972544207844  



Professor Michel Bercovier is a well-known researcher in Computer Aided   Design and in Scientific Computation. He developed new Finite Element Methods for fluid flows and incompressible materials that are universally implemented. He has made important contributions to the integration of Computer Aided Design   ( CAD ) and Analysis, developed new methods in surface design , integrated Optimal control methods in CAD and cloth simulation for animation. He has always been involved in multidisciplinary research , teaming with surgeons, biologists and pharmacologists( artificial heart valve modeling, Ca+ discharge in axons, keratotomical surgery, drug release models…) He carries joint research with INRIA, Université Pierre & Marie Currie, EPFL,IMATI-Pavia, Institute of Applied Geometry ( Johannes Kepler University, Linz), MIT  among others. He is currently developping numerical methods in ISOGEOMETRIC ANALYSIS (IGA). On the latter subject he published a book, co-authored with T. Matskewich: Smooth Bézier Surfaces over Unstructured Meshes (Springer 2017).

Prof. Bercovier earned his D. Es Sc. in 1976 at the Faculté des Sciences de Paris. He was assistant professor at the University of Rouen (1969 - 1972) were he created the Computation Center, director of applications and services at the Hebrew University Computer Center (1973 - 1976). He joined the School of Applied Sciences of the Hebrew University as a Lecturer in 1977 and moved to its Institute of Computer Science in 1986. From 1987 he holds the Bertold Badler Chair of Computer Science.  In 96-98 he set up the Computer Science department of a new university at Paris- La Defense. From 1999 to 2007 he was  in charge of the W3C office in Israel, and thus very active in the development of the Internet. From Oct.  2010 he is also professor and head of Computer Science at the Hadassah College , Jerusalem.

All these years he has been involved in industrial research in France (Chief Consultant for Kleber and Michelin (1972 – 1985), Hutchinson (1990-2017), Pechiney  (1992-2017 ), L’Oréal (1996-2013), France Telecom R&D (2002-2003), Biofront (2009-2012) etc…and in Israel. He is on the editorial board of several scientific journals. He is a member of SIAM, EMU and ACM, on the board of SIA (Automotive Engineering Society in France) and ECCOMAS. He was a visiting fellow for long periods at IBM, Digital and Matra. He is the author of over 80 papers and has advised more than 30 M.Sc. and 16 Ph.D.

He contributed to the creation of several Hi-Tech companies:  FDI ( now part of Ansys), a US company, was based on his research, as was Bercom the leading CAD/CAE Israeli firm, moreover as Chairman of Aleph Yissum, 1986 - 1996 (now Ex Libris) he was instrumental in turning a small start up into a world  leader in computer systems for libraries and an exit success for the Hebrew Univeristy ( 35M $). He contributed to the creation of the R&D team of Visiowave (Lausanne)   acquired by General Electric. He is a co-founder and Honorary President of the Association du Festival Lyrique de Montperreux.